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Google gives search users final DNSChanger warning.

Google has embarked on a final campaign to warn the remaining half million PCs it reckons could still be infected with the DNSChanger malware that they risk losing Internet connectivity on 9 July.

From this week, search users it detects redirecting to DNSChanger’s now substituted domains will be splashed the stark warning “Your computer appears to be infected” with an accompanying link offering remediation advice.

“While we expect to notify over 500,000 users within a week, we realize we won’t reach every affected user. Some ISPs have been taking their own actions, a few of which will prevent our warning from being displayed on affected devices,” said Google's warning.

As many as half the users affected by DNSChange do not speak English and had not reacted to warnings already issued by the FBI and others, Google believed.

DNSChanger was the work of an Estonian criminal gang that recruited PCs into the bot without hindrance for several years until being busted by law enforcement Operation Ghost Click in November 2011.


Avoid scams that use the Microsoft name fraudulently

Cybercriminals often use the names of well-known companies, like ours, in their scams. They think it will convince you to give them money or your personal information. While they usually use email to trick you, they sometimes use the telephone, instead.

Common scams that use the Microsoft name

Someone from "Microsoft Tech Support" calls to fix your computer

"You have won the Microsoft Lottery"

Microsoft "requires credit card information to validate your copy of Windows"

"Microsoft" sends unsolicited email messages with attached security updates

Avoid these dangerous hoaxes

Microsoft does not send unsolicited email messages or make unsolicited phone calls to request personal or financial information or fix your computer.

If you receive an unsolicited email message or phone call that purports to be from Microsoft and requests that you send personal information or click links, delete the message or hang up the phone.


Please see our Facebook page for more current information about scams and viruses

Phone: 281.395.8454

